For the love of Christ,

Paul, as in a duel, would defy his enemies, griefs, dangers, demons, all of the world, and even hell itself.

Cornelius A'Lapide, SJ

all of Saul’s energetic personality,

previously focused on the persecution of Christianity suddenly became focused on the spread of

Bishop Michael Saltarelli

The best way

that we can celebrate the Year of Saint Paul is to go to the Risen Lord and ask Him about what deep and intimate conversion of life He is calling us to.

Bishop Michael Saltarelli

This "I" of Paul

is not an isolated "I" but an "I" in the "we" of the Church, in the "we" of the apostolic faith.

Pope Benedict XVI

It seemed that Christ

had become the mind, soul, life and spirit of St. Paul, speaking, working, and suffering through him. "Do you seek a proof of the Christ who speaks in me?" (2 Cor. 13:3).

Cornelius A'Lapide, SJ

Every time I read the letters

of the Blessed Apostle Paul I am filled with yearning, for recognizing him a friendly voice, as if he were present with me and I were listening to him. At the same time I experienced sadness and sorrow that not everyone, as would be right and just, knows such a man.

St. John Chrysostom

St. Paul

is always modern.

Blessed James Alberione

Paul certainly remains the Apostle

par excellence, founder and pastor of many Churches. Yet it clearly appears that he did not do everything on his own but relied on trustworthy people who shared in his endeavours and responsibilities.

Pope Benedict XVI

What humility Paul showed!

How many times Paul recalled his early life when he was not yet converted, did not as yet know Christ. Every so often, in his letters and then in his speeches, he alludes to what he was in his early life.

Blessed James Alberione

Paul explicitly recognizes in Prisca and Aquila

two true and important collaborators of his apostolate. Not by chance does Paul compare, in the Letter to the Ephesians, the matrimonial relationship to the spousal communion that happens between Christ and the Church (cf. Eph 5: 25-33). Even more, we can maintain that the Apostle indirectly models the life of the entire Church on that of the family.

Pope Benedict XVI

Get to know St. Paul better:

much has already been written of his exalted human and spiritual personality, but much remains to be said.

Blessed James Alberione

Paul and the other Apostles,

wholly taken up by love for God, radiated it everywhere, and thus they glorified the greatness of God.
Cornelius A'Lapide, SJ

Paul and the other Apostles,

wholly taken up by love for God, radiated it everywhere, and thus they glorified the greatness of God.

Cornelius A'Lapide, SJ

The authentic missionary spirit

has always been characterized by urgency, by a kind of anxiety; it has always been a synthesis of passion and a faction. ... In this regard, we can think of St. Paul.

Renato Perino

As Paul had retired to his native town

of Tarsus, [Barnabas] went there to look for him. Thus, at that important moment, Barnabas, as it were, restored Paul to the Church; in this sense he gave back to her the Apostle to the Gentiles.

Pope Benedict XVI

We sing the glorious conquest

before Damascus' gate
when Saul, the Church's spoiler,
Came breathing threats and hate.
The ravening wolf rushed forward
full early to the prey:
But lo! The Shepherd met him
and bound him fast today.

Hymn for the Conversion of St. Paul

Holiness does not consist

in never having erred or sinned. Holiness increases the capacity for conversion, for repentance, for willingness to start again and, especially, for reconciliation and forgiveness. So it was that Paul, who had been somewhat harsh and bitter with regard to Mark, in the end found himself with him once again.

Pope Benedict XVI

The various feelings

of so ardent and sensitive a nature are reflected in his impetuous writings. He passes abruptly from anxious agitation to confident serenity, from threats and scorn to understanding affection, from scathing irony to sorrowful exhortation."

Giuseppe Ricciotti

From such fiery love for God

sprung that artdent love for his neighbor which made him long to convert the whole world to Christ.

Cornelius A'Lapide, SJ

So much of the story

of the early Church can be traced back to the contemplative and enthusiastic heart of Saint Paul ignited by his intimacy with the Risen Lord.

Bishop Michael Saltarelli

Paul expressed his appreciation

of Apollos' work, but reprimanded the Corinthians for wounding the Body of Christ by splitting it into opposing factions. From this whole affair he drew an important teaching: Be it I or Apollos, he says, we are none other than diakonoi, that is, simple ministers, through whom you have come to the faith (cf. I Cor 3: 5).

Pope Benedict XVI

His awful rashness and blindness,

his self-confident, headstrong, cruel rage against the worshippers of the true Messiah, then his strange conversion, then the length of time that elapsed before his solemn ordination, during which he was left to meditate in private on all that had happened, and to anticipate the future – all this constituted a peculiar preparation for the office of preaching to a lost world, dead in sin.

John Henry Cardinal Newman

Imitate Paul

in order to imitate Christ. Imitate Paul in order to see how a purely human being can be, a holy person, a priest and an apostle like Christ. Paul is for us our life, our doctrine, our mediator and intercessor.
Blessed James Alberione

Neither Paul nor Jesus

ever claimed an effortless victory over evil.

Bruce Chilton
Rabbi Paul

Paul does not act as a "soloist",

on his own, but together with these collaborators in the "we" of the Church.

Pope Benedict XVI

Paul's doctrine forms a part

of all dogmatic theology; it throws light on moral teaching; it is decisive at vital points of the liturgy.
Blessed James Alberione

Stephen’s glowing, peaceful face

and his forgiveness of his persecutors as he died must have made an indelible impression
on Saul, and prepared him for the experience of the Risen Lord.

Bishop Michael Saltarelli

Paul, a former violent persecutor of Christians,

when he fell to the ground dazzled by the divine light on the road to Damascus, did not hesitate to change sides to the Crucified One and followed him without second thoughts.
Pope Benedict XVI

Well did St. Bernard write

of men like St. Paul: "They venture to do great things because they are great men; and what they venture, they achieve. Great faith merits great successes, and one receives in proportion to his trust in the beneficence of the Lord..."

Cornelius A' Lapide, SJ

I wonder if it is accurate

to speak of 'Paul's conversion,'since he never used that term for the event of Damascus. Perhaps we have understood very little of what actually happened to him.

Cardinal Carlo Martini

The Testimony of St. Paul

Raised to the third heaven....

Paul resembled a new Moses sent by God, and a celestial doctor of the people descended from heaven.

Cornelius A' Lapide, SJ